Thursday, May 31, 2012


How the heck did it get to be June already?  It seem like both last week and five years ago that I showed up to this city like a chicken with my head cut off and now it's June!?!?  When I was skyping with my friend from home last night, she told me that I seem very settled and at home here. And it's true.  In no time at all, I fell right into a routine and made myself a nice life here.  And now it's June. 

I had my last class today.  I technically have classes next week, but since I'll be in Rome with a different class, I won't be there.  I have my last two exams on the 12th and 13th of June, and that's it for school.  Oh, that and the 25 page paper I need to turn in and that presentation I have to do in Rome, but that's beside  the point.  How can I already be done with classes?  I've been planning for these classes, and especially this Roman Renaissance class, since October, and now they're almost over.  I have just fell into a rhythm of going to classes here that you'd think I've been doing it for years. 

As I'm entering into my last couple of weeks I keep thinking about everything that I do and how it might be the last time I do it.  It's the last time I'll have class in A Weg 30, or the Heymanszaal in the Academy Building, or the Harmonie Building.  I probably won't be spending a lot more time in the libraries, or the study areas.  It's so weird.

The law students have their finals this week, so people have already begun to leave.  It appears that it is starting to be the beginning of the end.  June 25th used to seem so far off, and now it's in a few weeks.  I went for a walk with a friend the other night and we started talking about our first week here.  We talked about how lost and confused we were when we first showed up, when we first met all of our friends, how we failed miserably our first time grocery shopping, how we bought the crappiest bikes in the world from strangers we found online, how we made a huge list of all of the places we wanted to go and then went crazy making it our mission to check them all off. 

I'm not ready to do a final reflection yet, but I've done enough of one to realize that I'm really happy with what I've done and how I've grown this semester.  But before sitting down and looking into all of that, I need to spend the next few weeks continuing to live in the moment and enjoying this experience for all that it's worth.  I'm leaving tomorrow for Rome, a trip I've been daydreaming about since October when I signed up for the class with the promise of an excursion.  It came down to the choice to stay for the last week of classes or to go to Rome.  I was really hesitant to make this decision, but then it occurred to me: I really couldn't not go to Rome.  If coming here and being here has taught me anything it's that I should take advantage of as many opportunities that come my way as possible.  So, instead of continuing this monologue, I'm going to pack my bags and head out to witness first hand the city I've  only been able to read about up to this point.