Sunday, March 4, 2012

International Dinner

One of the best things about living in an international student house, like Blekerslaan, is that we have all different sorts of people from all different sorts of places.  That means that people are always cooking things in the kitchen that I have never seen before.

The other night, we decided to have an international dinner where everybody made a traditional dish from their country and we would all eat each other's food.  That meant the kitchen ended up looking something like this when there were 50+ people all trying to create an edible masterpiece at the same time...

Then it meant that dinner consisted of people sitting all over the common room, like this...

Basically, it was quite the production to get everybody to eat at the exact same time.  Come to find out, we don't seem to have enough dishes for everybody to eat together.  Some people had to eat out of frying pans, using chopsticks and drink out of a measuring cup.  But it was a really fun dinner!

There were so many different dishes to try that I couldn't even tell you who made what.

Of course, most people who were trying to figure out what to make from their country ended up making something that they've never made before.  It seemed like everybody had a really good idea that they really enjoyed eating, but they were just making it up as they went. I decided to make meatloaf for the first time in my life and I just kind of winged it and started smelling spices to decide what I should include.

It all turned out really great, but the consensus was that, the next time we have an international dinner, we should have our moms cook.  It's always a lot better that way, and it sure is a lot easier.